We had school swimming sports in term 1 at the Aquatic Centre. It was a house competition but it wasn't serious. If it was serious there would be time referees and disqualification referees too. Most of the teachers were wearing they house colours to support their house group. The teachers that were timing us got wet pants because the kids that were swimming pushed water over the side of the pool.

My Old House

I have recently moved from the states to Rotorua. My old house was in a very nice neighborhood and I had a lot of friends. We had a summer pool and every summer we would have a summer swim team. I really miss my old house but I'll see it soon.

My name is Connor.

I play badminton and I compete swimming all of this sports I do send me out to compete against the whole of New Zealand.

My teacher is Mr Dyke in the Accelerate academy.

My friends are James, Celene, Eleanor, Jay, Cory, Liam, Conor, Aidan, Steel, Shaun, and Matthew.


My main sport is swimming and I travel all over New Zealand to compete in my swimming. Last year I was the only boy from Rotorua to go to the junior nationals in Auckland. That shows you how dedicated I am to swimming. This year I am going to the div 2 national in Wellington. The nationals are being held in Invercargil this year so my mum wants me to qualify so we can see some of my relatives down south.

I am also doing badminton for the Bay of Plenty. Just like my swimming I am going all over New Zealand to compete in badminton. So I am a very sporty kid and a very funny kid to.

My Cats

I have two cats and they are very annoying. One of my cats is a very fat cat. Her name is Misty but we should have called her Flabby. My other cat is very skinny and her name is Opal but we should have called her Toast. Misty (Flabby) Is a Torbby and Opal (Toast) is a Tortashell. By the way a Torbby is a Tabby mixed with a Tortashell.

School Work

In my class we are working on speeches and creature feature. My speech topic is on the SPCA and how we can make it better for them. Also how to look after your pets and what to do if you find that your pet is sick or it has broken a bone.

Creature Feature

My creature feature is on the chipmunks. I will give you a few facts on the chipmunk now. A chipmunk is about the same size as a tea cup and there are over 20 species of chipmunks in the world. But New Zealand and other countries don't have the cute and cuddly chipmunk. I won't tell you any more because I will have to present it very soon.


We have a new hall in the process of completion. The picture in the top right hand corner of my blog is the new sound room so we can control the music and the microphone. I am one of the people who will be in there at assembly time controlling the volume of the music and microphone. James is another person who will be up there working with me. To look at his blog go to my blog list and click on James. The hall will be completed on June the 5th 2009. I am really excited about it.

Mr Apperley

Mr Apperley is our ICT teacher. He is the one that set us up on this Blogger. He is the coolest ICT teacher in the school! ( ps: he is the only ICT teacher in the school!)

Mini Marathon

In fitness we are training for the mini marathon. The mini marathon is a house competition that the whole school competes in. It is split in to yr7s and yr8s that run for 3 1/2 kilometer. Every body has a good time and at the end you get some juice, very refreshing! Tui Ridge

Last year we went to Tui Ridge and stayed for two nights and three days. We did a lot of activities at the camp, like rock climbing, mountain biking, and, lots of other really cool activities. The boys had one building and the girls had another. But they were right beside each other so it got really loud. Nobody stopped talking at night so we didn't get any sleep. In the morning a teacher took all of the boys outside because some boys were talk. So we had run laps of a feild at 5:00am. The ground was wet and the air was cold, so it was very uncomfortable.

Mr Boyd

I will tell you now that Mr Byod is a interesting teacher. He would be calm for a second but then he would go around making jokes and all that. It is quite funny really. He teaches electronics at our school and lets us make really cool things like night lights and CO2 powered cars. We always have fun in his class and we always want to go back.

Miss McDonald

She is a very cool teacher and she has a really cool technology. Do you know what it is?......Well it is food technology! We make lots of food in there and it is really good. We make pizza, dips, potato chips with home made salsa, and, a much more.